Galo Soler Illia

Researcher (2003-2015)

PhD in chemistry from University of Buenos Aires, and posdoct in nanomaterials from University Paris VI. He founded and directed Chemistry of Nanomaterials Group. Professor in UNSAM and UBA, invited professor in París VI and Melbourne universities. He has received several national prizes and his a Full Member of the National Academy of Exact and Natural Sciences of Argentina (Nanotechnology chair). In our group, he leaded a wide variety of national and international projects in the nanomaterials synthesis area. He was the advisor of several degree, MSc and PhD thesis.

He is now the Dean of Instituto de Nanosistemas de UNSAM in San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina. y continues collaborating with our group

Andrés Zelcer

Researcher (2006-2015)

He worked as a researcher, specialized in synthesis of porous and hierarchical materials obtained through sol-gel chemistry. He is still a collaborator of the group, in the same research field.

He is now a CONICET Adjoint Researcher at CIBION Buenos Aires, Argentina and a professor in the Chemistry area at Universidad de San Martín.

Alejandra Calvo

PhD (2006-2010)

She completed her PhD thesis entitled "Mesoporous hybrid thin films with amine groups. A platform to design and develop permselective membranes" under the co-supervision of Galo Soler-Illia and Federico Williams (of CINI-SIDERCA). She specialized in the synthesis of mesoporous films by means of sol-gel methods and in the characterization techniques based in the use of X-rays: SAXS-2D, XPS y XRR. In addition, she elaborated methods based in the use of cyclic voltammetry for the evaluation of the permselectivity of the obtained materials.

At present, she works at Y-Tec, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Eduardo Martínez

PhD (2008–2013)

He completed his PhD thesis entitled "Thin films nano-composites (Metallic nanoparticles/ mesoporous matrix) with application in Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)". His research consisted in the development of reproducible methods for infiltration of mesoporous films with metal nanoparticles of Ag and Au. He developed methods for the photo-reduction of Ag+ in TiO2 by means of photolithography techniques in order to achieve a localized infiltration, and infiltration methods based in the impregnation and reduction of AuCl4-. He also carried out theoretical modeling studies of the optical properties of the nanocomposites and he assessed the use of the infiltrated mesoporous systems in two different areas: SERS y nano-microelectronics.

At present he is a Researcher in the Atomic Center at Bariloche (Centro Atómico Bariloche) of the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA).

Estefanía González Solveyra

PhD (2009-2014)

She carried out her PhD research studying water nanoconfinement in mesoporous oxides, using a dual strategy that combined state of the art experimental techniques with computational simulation tools, in order to address issues of great deal of interest for the experimental community but difficult to elucidate given the temporal and spatial limitations of existing techniques.

The obtained results provided a broad overview of the physical chemistry of water confined in mesoporous materials, spanning from the solid state to the vapor phase, studying with great detail the properties of each phase as well as the transitions between them as a function of different conditions imposed by the confining surroundings.

Ianina Violi

PhD (2010-2015)

She was part of the group during her PhD. Her thesis was focused on the development of a platform of mesoporous nanocrystalline metallic oxides thin films synthesis for its use in energy and catalysis.

Currently she is Researcher in the Applied Nanophysics group at CIBION-CONICET.

Sebastián Alberti

PhD (2013 – 2018)

He worked as a PhD student in mesostructured polymer-inorganic systems, with Dr. Omar Azzaroni and Dr.Galo Soler-Illia as research advisors.

Paula Y. Steinberg

PhD (2013 - 2018)

She worked under the direction of Dr. Galo Soler-Illia and Dr. Paula C. Angelomé in her thesis, entitled "Structural control of TiO2 mesoporous thin films and its effects on the transport and reactivity within confined environments". She studied transport, confinment and reactivity inside mesoporous oxides with different structural characteristics.

María Jazmín Penelas

PhD (2013 – 2018)

She worked as a PhD student with Dr. Galo Soler-Illia as research advisor. Her work consisted in the development of a platform of hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on polyfunctional silica colloids with application in nanostructured coatings of surfaces and nanocomposites of industrial interest.

She currently works at Instituto de Nanosistemas, UNSAM.

Yamili Toum

PhD (2014 – 2019)

he worked as a PhD student with Dr. Alejandro Wolosiuk as research advisor. Her work was focused on the synthesis of modified silicon dioxide mesoporous nanomaterials for its use as a platform for disease diagnosis and treatment

She is currently a Posdoctoral Fellow at INIFTA (UNLP-CONICET).

Diego Lionello

PhD (2013-2018) - Postdoc (2018-2019)

He completed his PhD thesis in Science and Technology, Mention Materials (2018) at the Sabato Institute (CNEA-UNSAM) under the direction of Dr. María Cecilia Fuertes and Dr. Galo Soler-Illia, studying the mechanical and tribological properties of nanostructured coatings. Afterwards, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship with a CONICET grant under the supervision of Dr. Eduardo Marcial Bringa, Dr. María Cecilia Fuertes and Dr. Alejandro Wolosiuk, aimed at complementing the experimental results of the mechanical characterization of mesoporous oxides with computational simulations of molecular dynamics.

Currently, he is doing another post-doctorate with a CNEA grant, under the direction of Dr. Daniel Vega and Dr. Federico Viva of the Condensed Matter Physics Department - CNEA, studying phase transitions and structural changes of single crystals by X-ray diffraction in materials of nuclear and/or medicinal interest.

María Mercedes Zalduendo

PhD (2015-2020)

She completed her doctoral thesis under the direction of Dr. Paula Angelomé, studying the synthesis of metal nanoparticles - mesoporous oxides thin films composites for sensing applications based on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.

Javier Abbas

PhD (2016 – 2022)

His PhD thesis, performed under the direction of Carla C. Spagnuolo and Alejandro Wolosiuk, was focused on the synthesis of new fluorescent dyes with enhaced photostability and their combination with silica nanoparticules for the construction of fluorescent probes.

Constanza Sansierra

Master (2015-2016)

She worked in her master thesis (Materials, Instituto Sabato) under the direction of Cecilia Fuertes and Paula Angelomé. Her work was dedicated to the development of optical sensors, based on porous photonic crystals.

Daiana Medone Acosta

Master (2018-2019)

She worked in her master thesis (Materials, Instituto Sabato) under the direction of Cecilia Fuertes and Leticia Granja. Her work was dedicated to the study of Deep X Ray irradiated materials.

Diego N. Passarella

Final Project for Materials Engineering (2004)

He worked in the synthesis of SiO2 mesoporous films and in its studies as potential nano-reactors. During his stay, he performed analysis on several mesostructures and the results so obtained gave rise to further studies regarding the accessibility of such systems.

Bárbara Irene Scalise

Consultora (2014)

She was contacted to work as a consultant in "Hybrid Nanostructured Surfaces. Evaluation of synthetic and commercial products, pilot scaling".

Martín Bellino

Postdoctoral Fellow (2008-2010)

During his stay in the group, he was devoted to the biofunctionalization of hierarchical mesoporous films by means of the inclusion of enzymes and nanoparticles.

At present he works in the Department of Micro and Nanotechnology (Departamento de Micro y Nanotecnología) at the CNEA.

María Dolores Pérez

Postdoctoral Fellow (2009-2011)

She studied the synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide mesoporous films coated onto conductive substrates for photovoltaic applications.

At present she is a professor in the ECyT-UNSAM and a CONICET Assistant researcher in the Department of Solar Energy (Departamento Energía Solar) – CNEA (CAC). Her field of work is "Preparation and study of solar cells that incorporate organic materials".

María Luz Martínez Ricci

Posdoctoral Fellow (2009-2011)

Luz obtained both her bachelor's degree and her PhD in Physics in the field of Electromagnetism. Her worked focused on the optical properties of nanostructured systems, plasmonic systems, and photonic crystals. She strongly worked in optical characterization techniques (UV-Vis, ellipsometric porosimetry, and synchrotron techniques) as well as simulations in mesoporous materials with plasmonic response.

At present, she is a CONICET Assistant researcher in the Institute of Chemistry and Physics of Materials, Environment, and Energy (Instituto de Química y Física de los Materiales, Ambiente y Energía, INQUIMAE), University of Buenos Aires.

Martín Mirenda

Postdoctoral Fellow (2009-2011)

He worked in the field of "Advanced fluorescent probes and markers based in plasmonic coupling", under the guidance of Dr. Alejandro Wolosiuk.

At present, he is a CNEA and CONICET researcher in the Chemistry Department, CAC, CNEA.


Annette Brunsen

Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-2011)

She worked in the functionalization of mesoporous oxides thin films with polymers and polyelectrolytes, in the preparation of responsive mesopores (to pH y Ca2+), and in light mediated pore opening.

At the time being, she works as a Juniorprofessorin in the Technische Universität Darmstadt, in Germany.

Magali Bonne

Postdoctoral Fellow (2011)

She worked in the synthesis and characterization of hybrid thin films with applications in catalysis.

At present, she works in the Université de Haute Alsace, Equipe Matériaux à Porosité Contrôlée, Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse.

Pablo Scodeller

Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

He worked with extracellular matrix-degrading enzymes for cancer: new uses and y nano-formulations. He performed in vivo studies with human melanoma models in mice.

Jose Luis Marco Brown

Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

He studied the synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 based in potentially scalable evaporated induced self-assembly sol-gel processes. The modification of synthesis conditions, such as the relative humidity and the temperature, allows controlling the textural properties of the material. The obtained materials presented interesting characteristics, including the adsorption of gallic acid, and a good photocatalytic response.

At present he works in the Institute of Environmental Research and Engineering (3iA), National University of San Martin (Universidad Nacional de San Martín), Buenos Aires.

Verónica Sánchez

Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-2013)

She worked in the numeric modeling of the optical properties of Au nanoparticles included into TiO2 mesoporous thin films, and its correlation with UV-visible spectroscopy and ellipsometry.

She currently works as a CONICET Researcher.

Esteban Franceschini

Postdoctoral Fellow (2013)

He worked in the development of mesoporous materials with selective functionalization, and mesoporous aerosols obtained by spray drying.

At present, he is a CONICET Assistant Researcher in the Fuel Cells group at the CAC-CNEA, working in the development of catalysts for H2 production.

Germán Gómez

Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2016)

The focus of his investigations was the development of thin films based on nanostructured MOFs and the obtaining of MOF microparticles by aerosol synthesis, as materials with potential applications as luminescent optical sensors and heterogeneous catalysts.

He still works on this area at Universidad Nacional de San Luis.

Rusbel Coneo Rodríguez

Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)

His work was focused on the study of materials based on mesoporous inorganic oxides and nanoparticles, for catalytic applications.

He continues working in collaboration with the group from Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, where he is as a researcher and teaching assistant.

Víctor Oestreicher

Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2018)

His work was focused in the development of new synthetic methods in non conventional conditions to obtain gold nanoparticles.

He is currently a Postdoctoral fellow at ICMol, Valencia, Spain.

María Fernanda Torresán

Postdoctoral Fellow (2018-2021)

Her work was focused on the design of lanthanum based nanocarriers for photoinduced and controlled release of neurotransmitters.

Gustavo M. Segovia

Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2022)

He worked on the design of nanocomposites based on gold nanoparticles and inorganic hidrogels for applications in sensing and catalysis.

Gonzalo Rumi

Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)

He worked on the implementation of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) techniques to study ordered mesoporous materials.

Facundo Herrera

Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)

During his stay at the group he worked on the implementation of Small angle neutron scattering techniques (SANS) and sample environments.