From now on, the news from the group can also be followed on our Instagram account (@qnanomateriales). There you will find information and images about the members of the group, our research projects and our latest publications. Follow us!
Group profile on InstagramM. Mercedes Zalduendo presented her PhD thesis "Composite materials based on mesoporous thin films and metal nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and design of optical sensors". The thesis, directed by Paula C. Angelomé, was presented at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry (FCEN, UBA). Congratulations!
Paula C. Angelomé, researcher from our group, received the 2019 Stimulus Prize from the Argentinean National Academy Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, in the Chemical Science category. The prize is given once a year to researchers under 40 years old that work in Argentina.
More info (in Spanish).Juan Ignacio Ramallo defended his thesis “Structural integrity of multilayered devices based on porous oxide thin films”, directed by M. Cecilia Fuertes and Diego Lionello. With this thesis, Juan Ignacio obtained the Magister in Science and Technology Degree, from Instituto Sabato (UNSAM-CNEA). ¡Congratulations!
M. Jazmín Penelas presented her PhD thesis "Synthesis of Silica-based Multifunctional Colloids as key components of Hybrid Intelligent Nanomaterials". The thesis, directed by Galo Soler Illia, was presented at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry (FCEN, UBA). Congratulations!
Daiana Medone defended her thesis “Structural and electrical properties of mesoporous oxide thin films synthesized by exposure to high intensity X-rays”, directed by M. Cecilia Fuertes and Leticia Granja. With this thesis, Daiana obtained the Magister in Science and Technology Degree, from Instituto Sabato (UNSAM-CNEA). ¡Congratulations!
Yamili Toum presented her PhD thesis "Integrated nano-particulate silica based systems as platforms for diagnosis and treatment". The thesis, directed by Alejandro Wolosiuk, was presented at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry (FCEN, UBA). Congratulations!
An interview to Paula C. Angelomé, researcher in our group, was included in the newsletter of the International Sol Gel Society in the section entitled “Researcher in the spotlight”.
See the interview.Juan Ignacio Ramallo defended his final work to obtain the Materials’ Engineering degree at Instituto Sabato (UNSAM-CNEA). The work "Synthesis, structural characterization and mechanical properties of porous coatings designed to protect optical devices" was directed by M. Cecilia Fuertes and Diego Lionello. Congratulations!
Paula Y. Steinberg presented her PhD thesis "Structural control of TiO2 mesoporous thin films and its effects on the transport and reactivity within confined environments". The thesis, directed by Galo Soler-Illia and Paula C. Angelomé, was presented at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry (FCEN, UBA). Congratulations!
Sebastián Alberti presented his PhD thesis on hybrid polymer-oxides mesoporous thin film synthesis and characterization, directed by Galo Soler-Illia y Omar Azzaroni (INIFTA-UNLP). The thesis was presented at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry of the FCEN, UBA. Congratulations!
Diego Lionello presented his thesis entitled "Mechanical and tribological properties of nanostructured materials" at the Instituto Sabato (UNSAM-CNEA). With this work, directed by Galo Soler-Illia and M. Cecilia Fuertes, he obtained the title of Doctor in Science and Technology, Mention in Materials. Congratulations!
A recent paper of the group was featured in the cover a the prestigious Journal of Materials Chemistry C and was also included in the HOT Papers 2017 section of the journal.
See the article.Our group, together with Instituto de Nanosistemas (UNSAM) organized the Workshop "Advances in Small Angle X Ray Scattering and Deep X Ray Litogrpahy". Heinz Amenitsch and Benedetta Marmiroli from Elettra synchrotron (Italy) and TU Graz (Austria) were the main speakers, thanks to a bilateral agreement between the Science ministeries from Argentina and Austria. Moreover, local researchers also presented their recent works on the subject.
See an article (in Spanish) about the event.The MSc Thesis in Materials Science of Constanza Sansierra (codirected by Dr. Fuertes and Dr. Angelomé) received the Instituto Sabato Prize for the Best Thesis in the Field of Materials Science and Technology between 2014-2016.
See more (in Spanish)An article about our group appeared in the 17 edition of U-238, a journal devoted to nuclear technology.
See the Article (in Spanish).The Chemistry of Nanomaterials Group has received a X Ray Diffractometer, Empyrean model. With this equipment it is possible to perform Diffraction measurements (to obtain crystalline phases) and Reflectometry measurements (to obtain thin films thicknesses).
Ianina Violi defended her PhD thesis entitled "Films delgados mesoporosos de óxidos metálicos nanocristalinos con aplicaciones en dispositivos fotovoltaicos y catálisis" and she obtained the PhD degree of University of Buenos Aires. The thesis was performed under supervition of Dr. Galo Soler Illia.
Congratulations Ianina!
In this new paper, carried out in collaboration with Dr. Alejandro Fainstein's group (Centro Atómico Bariloche, Bariloche, Argentina), we present the preparation of a novel sensor based on Tamm Plasmons.
More information.
Dr. Galo Soler Illia received the Platinum Konex Prize in the nanotechnology area, in a ceremony held at the National Academy of Medicine.
The prestigious prize was awarded by the Konex Foundation, a proposal from the grand jury, consisting of 20 leading figures in science and science journalism.
More information (in Spanish)