María Verónica Rivas
(Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30-06-1983)

She obtained a degree of Licenciate in Chemistry (FCEyN-UBA) in december 2011. During 2012-2013 she worked in Dr. Federico Williams team at INQUIMAE-CONICET modifying Au surfaces by self-assembling. During 2014-2020 she completed her PhD in Chemistry carried out in the Department of Organic Chemistry (DQO-FCEyN, CIHIDECAR-CONICET) under the direction of Dr. Oscar Varela and co-direction of Dr. Adriana Kolender. Her PhD thesis was about design, synthesis and characterization of polytriazoles, and its use for drug encapsulation. Currently she is a postdoc fellow in the “Chemistry of Nanomaterials Group” (GC-CNEA) under the supervision of Dr. Alejandro Wolosiuk and Dr. Carla Spagnuolo from CIHIDECAR-CONICET. The postdoc subject of research is the design of dual SiO2 nanoparticles with lanthanides and NIR activity.